The Coffeevine November 18 Box – Atkinsons Coffee Roasters

Part 1 for The Coffeevine November 18 box, in this post I’ll only write about the coffee from Atkinsons Coffee RoastersIn the previous post, you’ve been able to read about the coffee and also what I expect from the coffee. In this part, I’ll share my recipe for an awesome pour-over and Espro travel press as usual.

As I was cupping Atkinsons Coffee Roasters – Bethlehem I could easily feel the acidic notes of lime that Atkinsons Coffee Roasters mentioned. The aftertaste had a very nutty flavor, to me, it resembled a lot like almonds.

When I do a cupping I do the following:

1) Grind 11 g coffee in a medium-coarse grind, I’ll remember the coffee’s fragrances now when it is dry to compare with the let grounds later.
2) Pour 180 g of water at a temperature of 93 degrees Celsius.
3) Let it sit for 4 minutes.
4) Stir 3 times and try to find as many scents.
5) Remove all foam that’s formed on the top, as shown in the picture below.
6) Wait for 6 minutes so the coffee cools down and to let the coffee grounds fall down to the bottom, then I’ll take my first slurp with a deep spoon. The idea is that you will spray the coffee inside your mouth. That way you will be able to easily recognize the tones contained in the coffee.
7) Wait for 6 minutes and do the same procedure, the reason behind step 7 is that it’s the most optimal time for tasting coffee. If the coffee is still good after 12-15 minutes, then it is a high-quality coffee!


Cupping notes:
Lime and mild notes of almond.

Information and recipe for the coffee:

Origin: Colombia
Variety: Catuai, Caturra
Producer: –
Region: Risaralda
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1 600 – 1 800 masl

Pour Over: 4:6 method, by Tetsu Kasuya

20 g coffee (grind setting 26B at Baratza Sette 270, medium)
300 g filtered water
60 g blooming 45 seconds
92 degrees Celsius

1) Pour 60g water for blooming for 45 seconds.
2) 45 seconds in, begin your second pour of 60g of water.
3) 1 minute and 30 seconds in,  begin your third pour of 60g of water.
4) 2 minutes and 15 seconds in,  begin your fourth pour of 60g of water.
5) 3 minutes in,  begin your fifth pour of 60g of water.
6) Stop the dripper at 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

*Always rinse the paper filter with filtered hot water, don’t forget to wash the coffee server with clean water afterward, because the taste of the paper might linger.


Espro Travel Press:

19g coffee (grind setting on 26B Baratza Sette 270)
284g of filtered water
94 degrees Celsius

1) After pouring both the coffee and the water, stir the coffee 10 times. I suggest you use a bamboo stirrer. Avoid sharp objects.
2) Screw the press and let steep for 4 minutes
3) Press slowly, if the press gets stuck, just lift the press and try again. It is normal.
4) Serve or seal the lid


Review: This Friday I wrote that my expectation of the coffee was the following:

“Wow the smell of this coffee is simply amazing. I’m really looking forward to the taste of honeycomb. I think that this coffee surely will hit that sweet spot I search for a coffee these cold days. I have high expectations!”

The honeycomb was kinda hard for me to notice, I could feel some sweetness, but it wasn’t close to honeycomb. It was closer to the sweetness from a roasted almond, it made it balanced. This coffee is something I could drink every day without getting bored, but if the coffee can get boring it might be special in the beginning.

If you have an Espro and a Pour-Over … What should you choose to brew with? As I wrote above, you get a more balanced cup with the Espro, you also get a great result every time as it’s impossible to make mistakes. Do you want your cup to show a bit of aromatics, brew with a Hario V60 etc. It becomes more spicy, aromatic and nicer on its own. I actually prefer Atkinsons Coffee Roasters Bethlehem coffee with the Espro.

The chocolate I ate was a dark chocolate with sea salt.

Rating: 6.0/10

The rating is only based on taste and quality and is not based on price.




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