Muttley & Jack’s – Bashasha

There’s been a lot of reviews of  Muttley & Jack’s coffee, but this is actually the last one for a while. Which is quite sad, however, that means new stuff might come up right?

This coffee is interesting, it has a lot of peach in it. It’s really sweet and has a developed tea flavor. Like if you would brew the tea 5 minutes longer, it’s quite cool. Time for Bashara from Ethiopia!

When I picked up this bag I wanted to try an Ethiopian coffee and this one sounded the most interesting. It didn’t have that blueberry, strawberry typical note from a Guji for example.

Usually, I try it without any info on what the roastery had in their description of the coffee. But when I put an order I actually read what the profile was, but when I picked up the bag, I did it all randomly so I would still say I didn’t know since it was a blind test.

As I wrote above it had a developed tea flavor with huge hints of peach and actually roasted chestnuts. Let’s review what they wrote as their description:

“Black Tea, Lychee, Peach”

First I’ll cup the coffee which means that I’ll try to find different flavors in the coffee. Just to give you as a reader a hint of understanding of what I go through. I’ll also write how to do a cupping. You can read that below:

When I do a cupping I do the following:

1) Grind 11 g coffee in a medium-coarse grind, I’ll remember the coffee’s fragrances now when it is dry to compare with the let grounds later.
2) Pour 180 g of water at a temperature of 93 degrees Celsius.
3) Let it sit for 4 minutes.
4) Stir 3 times and try to find as many scents.
5) Remove all foam that’s formed on the top.
6) Wait for 6 minutes so the coffee cools down and to let the coffee grounds fall down to the bottom, then I’ll take my first slurp with a deep spoon. The idea is that you will spray the coffee inside your mouth. That way you will be able to easily recognize the tones contained in the coffee.
7) Wait for 6 minutes and do the same procedure, the reason behind step 7 is that it’s the most optimal time for tasting coffee. If the coffee is still good after 12-15 minutes, then it is a high-quality coffee!

Cupping notes for Bashara:
Rich flavor of tea, peach and roasted chestnuts.

Information for the coffee Bashara:

Origin: Ethiopia
Variety: Heirloom
Producer: –
Region:  Limu
Process: Washed
Altitude: 2 150 masl.

Pour Over recipe for Bashara: 

20g coffee coarse grind
300g of filtered water
40g bloom 90 seconds
91 degrees Celsius

1) Pour 40g water for blooming for 90 seconds.
2) 90 seconds in, begin your continuous center pour of 240g of water.
3) Stop the dripper at 4 minutes and 15 seconds

*Always rinse the paper filter with filtered hot water, don’t forget to wash the coffee server with clean water afterward, because the taste of the paper might linger.

Bashara Review:

A very tasty and less juicy coffee than I had in mind. It’s very easy to drink but still has that amazing complexity to it. It’s nothing like a Guji. It has a mellow bitterness from tea, a rich sweetness from peach, and a buttery taste from roasted chestnuts.


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