It might be too late to review these, but in my opinion, nothing is too late. We should celebrate these coffees as they are and still know what you can expect of the coffee roasteries and also how the harvest of the coffee did deliver.
So let’s open the time capsule and begin reading! This has of course been written three months ago, so let us not keep this review under a rock. Let’s go!
As usual, I will write an informative text with expectations in this post. So with these words, let us begin with the Coffeevine’s January 19 Box!
1) CleverCoffee, Denmark.
Personal cupping and recipe
Origin: Colombia
Variety: Castillo
Producer: Hacienda Misiones
Region: Cundinamarca
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1 500 – 1 700 masl
Cupping notes from the coffee roastery:
Sweet, complex and transparent with notes of red berries balanced with lemon.
Expectation: I think that this is going to be a very good cup, it will have that balanced feel that you search for in an everyday coffee. I’m also interested in what the “complex” note will bring.
2) Lippe, Norway.
Personal cupping and recipe
Origin: Burundi
Variety: Bourbon
Region: Kayanza
Process: Washed
Altitude: –
Cupping notes from the coffee roastery:
Aromas of sweet baked goods and chocolate. Tastes of sweet citrus, dried fruit, apricots, and light chocolate.
Expectation: Sounds like the typical Burundi. Very tea-like, almost like rhoibos. I like coffee from Lippe so I have high expectations!
3) Clifton Coffee, UK.
Personal cupping and recipe
Origin: Ethiopia
Region: Guji
Process: Natural
Cupping notes from the coffee roastery:
Turkish delight, vanilla & strawberry.
Expectation: This sounds very interesting. Something to note is that this is the only Natural-processed coffee which makes me even more intrigued since it’s my personal favorite! Turkish delight is a very interesting note that makes me wanna write about it instantly!
Conclusion: As usual this will be very exciting to see which coffee roastery will win in this The Coffeevine’s January 19 box.
I think that Clifton Coffees Guji I will be the best of the three. Because natural-processed Ethiopian is amazing and I believe that they will deliver. I also think that the coffee from CleverCoffee will be awesome.
If you want help with recipes, thoughts or just want to get answers from me. Comment on this post, email me at [email protected] or go to my Instagram and write a private message there.
Don’t forget to keep yourself updated with the upcoming recipes for the November 18 box!
If you want to read the previous The Coffeevine preview, click here!
Do you want to read all of the reviews on The Coffeevine monthly boxes? Click here!
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